Mahalingam Periasamy
Technical Lead
LaQSH Plus
Dr Mahalingam Periasamy is a medical doctor with a post graduate specialization in Sexually Transmitted Infections & Cosmetology. He has over eighteen years of experience in implementing, monitoring and evaluating programmes for STD/HIV prevention among Most at Risk Population (MARPs) and care & support for People living with HIV (PLHIV). He has diversified his work at the state, national & international level for scaling-up HIV prevention, blood safety, laboratory quality assurance, care, support and treatment programmes. Dr Periasamy has been instrumental in providing technical support to organizations like Tamil Nadu State AIDS Control Society (TANSACS), Tamil Nadu Health Systems Project (TNHSP) – NCD programme, National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) – STI, Blood safety & Lab services divisions, India, National STD AIDS Control Program (NSACP) – STI/ HIV Lab services division, Sri Lanka and Malaysian AIDS Council- CST division, Malaysia. Liaising with the Government sector in STI & HIV programmes and health systems strengthening (Bio medical waste management, hospital infection control) have been his core strength.