Improving Antenatal Care (ANC)
Improving Antenatal Care (ANC) to enhance adherence to National ANC guidelines, including the screening, detection, referral and management of gestational diabetes and pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH), using electronic decision support system enabled frontline health workers, in primary healthcare settings of India and Nepal: a cluster-randomized trial
Principal Investigators
- Dr. D. Prabhakaran, Vice President (Research and Policy), PHFI, Delhi.
- Dr. Oona Campbell, Professor, Epidemiology, The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), UK.
- Dr. Biraj Karmacharya, Professor Programs, Kathmandu University of Medical Sciences, Nepal.
- Dr. P. S. Reddy, Professor of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh and Chairman, SHARE INDIA.
- Dr. Kalpana Betha, Professor and Head, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, MIMS.
Co- Investigators
- Dr. Sailesh Mohan, Centre for Control of Chronic Conditions (CCCC), PHFI, New Delhi.
- Dr. Poornima Prabhakaran, CCCC, PHFI, New Delhi.
- Dr. Ajay V. S, CCCC, PHFI, New Delhi.
- Dr. Ambuj Roy, Department of Cardiology, AIIMS, New Delhi.
- Dr. Sandosh Padmanabhan, Department of Medicine, University of Glasgow, UK.
- Dr. Sonia Anand, Professor, Department of Medicine, McMaster University, Canada.
- Dr. Abha Shrestha, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kathmandu University of Medical Sciences, Nepal.
- Dr. Pablo Perel, Associate Professor, Cardiologist and epidemiologist, LSHTM.
- Dr. Clara Calvert, Assistant Professor, LSHTM.
- Dr. John Cairns, Professor of Health Economics, LSHTM.
- Dr. Ishita Rawal, Research Fellow, CCCC, PHFI, New Delhi.
Funding source: Newton Fund.
Amount GBP 150,000.
Develop and evaluate an electronic decision support system for non-physician frontline health workers that incorporates ANC services with the screening, detection and referral of high risk pregnancies to the existing health system for appropriate clinical management.
Status of the project
Project accepted for funding and collection of data from the government PHC's is being done to plan implementation of the study.
Empowering Indian health researchers with computational modelling tools
Principal Investigators:
- Dr. Donald S. Burke, Dean, GSPH and Associate Vice Chancellor for Global Health, Health Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
- Dr. Clareann H. Bunker, Associate Professor Emerita, Department of Epidemiology, GSPH, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
- Dr. Saumyadipta Pyne, Scientific Director, PHDL, University of Pittsburgh.
- Dr. P. S. Reddy, Chairman, SHARE INDIA.
- Dr. Supriya Kumar, Department of Epidemiology, GSPH, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
- Prof. Ramanan Laxminarayan, Vice President Research and Policy, Public Health foundation of India, Hyderabad.
- Dr. Jammy Guru Rajesh, Associate Research Director, SHARE INDIA.
- Dr. Mohammed Raheel Sayeed, Research Scientist, SHARE INDIA.
Funding source: Fogarty International Center - NIH.
Amount: US $ 62,140 for three years (2015 to 201 8),
US $ 41,427 (2015-17), US $ 20,71 3 (2017-18)
Aims: Capacity building of public health professionals and researchers in India.
Objectives :To enhance evidence based, data driven decision making through innovations in information communication technology.
Status of the project
A training program was conducted in march 2019 on computational modeling techniques for undergraduates and post graduates of MIMS.
HIV modelling capacity development among Indian researchers
HIV modelling capacity development among Indian researchers (Administrative Supplement grant of Empowering Indian health researchers with computational modelling tools)
Principal Investigator:
- Dr. Jammy Guru Rajesh, Associate Research Director, SHARE INDIA.
- Dr.Mohammed Raheel Sayeed, Research Scientist, SHARE INDIA.
- Dr. Lincoln Choudhury,Consultant.
Funding source: Fogarty International Center - NIH.
Amount: US $ 27,372. (2016-19)
To develop synthetic representative population & counduct agent based modelling on HIV.
Status of the project
The synthetic population of Telangana was created and Agent Based modelling was conducted for HIV with various scenarios. The parametrisation of the model is complete and it is being run on the Telangana state population. The results will be shared with various stakeholders in India and a manuscript is under preparation.
Empowering Indian Health Research with Computational Modelling Tools
Empowering Indian Health Research with Computational Modelling Tools -Small Grant (Agent based Modelling of HIV epidemic in TS)
Principal Investigator
- Dr. Jammy Guru Rajesh, Associate Research Director, SHARE INDIA.
- Dr. Mohammed Raheel Sayeed, Research Scientist, SHARE INDIA. Consultant:
- Dr. Lincoln P. Choudhury, Guhawati, Assam.
- Funding source: Fogarty International Center - NIH. Amount: US $ 7500. (201 8-19)
Aims :
Agent based Modeling of HIV epidemic in state of Telangana, INDIA
Status of the project
The agent based model was performed specifically with the Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT) intervention efficacy on Telangana state population synthetic population. The results will be shared and presented to various stakeholders in India. Manuscript is under preparation.
R and D proposal under the ICPS program of DST
A platform for systematic integration of Indian Epidemiology datasets to enable health analytics and disease modelling (R and D proposal under the ICPS program of DST)
Principal Investigator
- Dr. Rashmi Pant, Biostatistician, SHARE INDIA.
- Dr. Jammy Guru Rajesh, Associate Research Director, SHARE INDIA.
Funding source: Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.
Amount: Rs. 77.29 Lakhs.
Aims:Integrate, organize and make available to the scientists and policy makers an easily usable interface, tentatively called IndEpi 1.0.
Objectives :
Data Synthesis and Integrative Modelling-
- Develop a common platform integrating public health databases (IndEpi V.I .0).
- Conduct epidemiological investigations.
Big data analytics and visualizations:
- Create population level simulations and predictions based on parameters assimilated from IndEpi 1.0.
- Generate easily interpretable, visually accessible and policy relevant evidence that may provide inputs to all stakeholders.
Pilot testing
- Perform case studies on synthesis of IndEpi 1.0 with select independent epidemiological studies.
Status of the project
- Project approved and awaiting release of funds from DST.
SERA (Sexual and Reproductive Health Assessment)
SERA (Sexual and Reproductive Health Assessment) - A study on sexually transmitted infections (STI) among general and Key populations groups in Hyderabad, India
Principal Investigator:
- Dr.Ramesh Reddy Allam, Deputy Project Director, SHARE INDIA Co-PI: Prof. Servaas Morre, The Netherlands
- Dr.Kuldeep Singh Sachdeva, DDG, Basic Services Division, NACO
- Dr.Asha Hegde, National consultant PPTCT and STI, NACO Prof. Dr. Servaas A. Morre, Laboratory of Immunogenetics, VU Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Dr. Vijay V Yeldandi, Clinical Professor of Medicine and Surgery, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA.
- Dr. Dinaker, Consultant, SHARE INDIA
- Dr. Ganesh Oruganti, Executive Director, SHARE INDIA
- Dr. Rashmi Pant, Biostatistician, SHARE INDIA
- Dr. Pierre Paul Michel Thomas, Institute of Public Health Genomics, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands
- To determine the utility and feasibility of NAAT-based screening for sexually transmitted infections in India
- To estimate the prevalence of common STIs in the general and key population of Hyderabad using NAAT (Nucleic Acid Amplification testing)
- To estimate the IgG sero-prevalence of C. trachomatis in the general and key population in Hyderabad
- To determine factors associated with the prevalence of common STIs Sub-objective:
- To assess the degree of agreement between current syndromic diagnostic techniques and treatment algorithms and NAAT based test results for STIs
10 lakhs INR+Testing Kits funded by Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Status of the project:
Pre pilot completed on Sept., 201 8. Regular study to commence in May, 2019.
Innovative Point of Care Chlamydiales (InPoChlam).
InPoChlam: Innovative Point of Care Chlamydiales. Joint industrial R&D projects between India and EUREKA member countries Belgium, The Netherlands, Spain and United Kingdom
Investigators: India
- SHARE INDIA: Dr. Ramesh Reddy Allam , Dr. Vijay Yeldandi, Dr.Rashmi Pant Sam Higginbottom, University of Agriculture Technology and Sciences - [SHUATS], Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh: Dr.Jonathan A. Lai, Dr. Rajiv Kant, Dr.NeerajNeeraj, Dr.Sarvjeet Herbert, Dr.Bipasha David, NTR College of Veterinary Sciences, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh: Dr. T. SrinivasaRao, Dr. D. NarendraNath, Dr. Ch. BinduKiranmayi The Netherlands
- Microbe : Prof. Dr. Servaas Morre, Anne Ammerdorffer, Sander Ouburg, Pierre Thomas BiosparQ : Dr.Gerold de Valk Belgium
- UGent: Dr. Daisy Vanrompay, Dr. Ir. Sven Arnouts Funding source for Indian partners: Department of Biotechnology Project period: 3 years (2019-2022) Amount: Rs. 1 30 Lakhs
Inpochlam is Joint industrial Research and development project between India and EUREKA member countries (Belgium, The Netherlands, Spain and United Kingdom). The goal of this collaborative innovation across borders is to foster ONE HEALTH through affordable, innovative solutions for prevention and control, point of care diagnostics and treatment of infectious disease (Chlamydia), to improve prevention, treatment outcomes and efficient utilization of health resources.
- Optimization of the Lab on Wheels for Chlamydiales in the One Health setting Validation Lab on Wheels on the road in Netherlands and Belgium Application of Lab on Wheels in India
- Comparison of the Lab on Wheels versus traditional diagnostics in India, Netherlands and Belgium and create of a transmission model
Status of the project
- Grant applied in Feb - 2019, Awaiting sanction.
- Grant is being resubmitted.